Matched Building Footprints Schema

With the Regrid Nationwide Parcel Data Premium Schema + Matched Building Footprints, you get our nationwide parcel data with premium schema attributes, plus buildings data that follows this schema.

Regrid Matched Building Footprints

This file contains the building shapes plus associated attributes. An additional join file, described below, includes the building to parcel matches.

Field Description Datatype Example
ed_str_uuid Universally Unique ID of the entire structure text 460ec73d-a847-11eb-b9dd-a0369f4d4bda
ed_bld_uuid Universal Unique ID of the building extracted from the structure text f51e780a-9f4e-11eb-8ac7-d89d67c66f28
ed_geoid County FIPS code text 01001
ed_largest An indicator of the largest building on a parcel numeric 1 or NULL
ed_lat Latitude of a point in the shape, typically the centroid numeric 25.798749
ed_lon Longitude of a point in the shape, typically the centroid numeric -80.339941
ed_bldg_footprint_sqft Building footprint area in square feet numeric 24052
ed_source Source of the building footprint text Aerial Imagery
ed_source_date Date of the building source imagery formatted as MM/DD/YYYY text 11/26/2020
wkt Building geometry in Well Known Text (wkt) format text POLYGON((-122.9279 40.7133, -122.9287 40.7136, -122.9287 40.7135, -122.9291 40.7131, -122.9279 40.7133))

Regrid Matched Building Footprints Join File

This flat file joins building IDs to parcel IDs per county. This diagram shows the buildings join file can be used to match parcels by ll_uuid to buildings by ed_bld_uuid:

Matched building diagram

Field Description Datatype Example
ll_uuid Uniquely identifies a single parcel uuid 03e304ad-4d2c-451e-ac90-0d9aa0b46dc0
ed_str_uuid Universally Unique ID of the entire structure text 460ec73d-a847-11eb-b9dd-a0369f4d4bda
ed_bld_uuid Universal Unique ID of the building extracted from the structure text f51e780a-9f4e-11eb-8ac7-d89d67c66f28
geoid County FIPS code text 01001
In this section