Regrid API v1 Endpoints
lat-lon (reverse geocoding)
We recommend using lat-lon search if possible. Because parcels may span several addresses, using a third-party geocoder (eg Mapbox Places) to identify a point for an address and then searching for the parcel at that point can be more accurate than direct Parcel API address search.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/search.json?lat=<y>&lon=<x>&token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization
: Latitude (y-coord) in decimal degrees, WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection.lon
: Longitude (x-coord) in decimal degrees, WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection.
To return all parcels in a radius of a point:
(optional, default: 50, Maximum: 32000): Give a radius in meters for which all Parcel Records will be returned if they are within a definable radius from the lat-lon point. No need to include the 'm' for meters, just the integer value between0
(optional): Maximum number of Parcel Records to return.return_custom
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Result fields
: An array of GeoJSON Features each containing the matched Parcel Records. An empty results set with no error means no Parcel Records could be matched. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.
Example API request
Example results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 26780,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "DELINQUENT",
"tax_due": 123.2,
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"score": 1.0
"id": 364491
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "435 Amsterdam St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/390867",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 390867,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001072-0",
"usecode": "22337",
"usedesc": "SCHOOL",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 2,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Schools - Vocational",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"owner": "TEF FOUR LLC",
"mailadd": "40500 ANN ARBOR SUITE 200",
"mail_city": "PLYMOUTH",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48170",
"address": "435 AMSTERDAM ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 32346,
"ll_bldg_count": 2,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "YN NN",
"dpv_notes": "AABB",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 4100.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "School or library",
"lbcs_function": 6100.0,
"lbcs_function_desc": "Educational services",
"lbcs_structure": 4200.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "School or university buildings",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "435",
"saddstr": "AMSTERDAM",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "435 AMSTERDAM; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3407",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"lat": "42.365494",
"lon": "-83.072777",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 1.786,
"sqft": 77801.0,
"ll_gisacre": 1.78333,
"ll_gissqft": 77715,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/390867",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "f5579168-fc31-4923-a535-b1419aa01aa3",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "NON-PROFIT",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 323.0,
"depth": 241.0,
"total_floor_area": 80158.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "f5579168-fc31-4923-a535-b1419aa01aa3",
"score": 0.606060606060606
"id": 390867
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "467 Amsterdam St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364482",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364482,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001073.001",
"usecode": "22256",
"usedesc": "PARKING LOT-GRAVEL",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL VACANT",
"struct": false,
"structno": 0,
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 66000.0,
"saleprice": 650000.0,
"saledate": "2000-09-18",
"mailadd": "39553 WOODWARD STE 150",
"mail_city": "BLOOMFIELD HILLS",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48304",
"address": "467 AMSTERDAM ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 0,
"ll_bldg_count": 0,
"dpv_status": "N",
"dpv_codes": "N N",
"dpv_notes": "AAM3",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "4.1,A1",
"usps_vacancy": " ",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 5210.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Vehicular parking, storage, etc.",
"lbcs_structure": 5210.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Surface parking, open",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "467",
"saddstr": "AMSTERDAM",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "467 AMSTERDAM; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "S AMSTERDAM W 30 FT 47 W 30 FT OF N 10 FT OF & VAC ALLEY IN REAR MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 30 X 160",
"lat": "42.365409",
"lon": "-83.073545",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.11,
"sqft": 4800.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.11028,
"ll_gissqft": 4806,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364482",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "746c3f60-be83-4f45-b240-77bfc0308841",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:59:32 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "202",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "TAXABLE",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 30.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"taxable_value": 12683.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
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"legaldesc": "W WOODWARD PT OF LOT 3 PLAT OF PARK LOTS 47 & 48 L1 P64 PLATS, W C R 2/77 DESC AS: COMM N LINE OF BURROUGHS AVE (50 FT WD) & E LINE OF CASS AVE (80 FT WD) TH N 22D 57M 17S W 134.11 FT; TH N 60D 11M 17S E 153.08 FT; TH S 29 48M 45S E 21.59 FT; TH N 60D 11M 15S E 63.47 FT; TH N 29D 48M 45S W 21.59 FT; TH N 60D 11M 15S E 140.47 FT; TH S 26D 40M 48S E 137.56 FT; TH S 60D 50M 48S W 365.54 TO POB 1.077 ACRES, SPLIT/COMBINED ON 10/02/2017 FROM 02001752., 02001753., 02002149.;, ",
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"legaldesc": "E THIRDS --- LOTS 1 THRU 9; LOTS 16 THRU 25; PT OF LOTS 10 THRU 15 BLKS 14 & LOTS 1 THRU 25 BLK 15 CASS FARM CO LTD SUB OF BLKS L19 P35 PLATS, W C R; INCL THAT PT OF VAC YORK ST (60 FT WD) & THAT PT OF VAC VIENNA AVE (50 FT WD) & ALL VAC ALLEYS WITHIN DESC AREA: COMM AT THE INTERSECTION OF W LINE SECOND AVE (150 FT WD) & S LINE OF AMSTERDAM ST (50 FT WD) TH S 23D 56M 53S E 263.31 FT TO POB; TH S 23D 56M 53S E 456.57 FT; TH S 65D 53M 36S W 627.7 FT; TH ALG CURVE TO R 159.62 FT, RAD 1873 FT DELTA 4D 52M 59S, CH N 26D 03M 25S W 159.58 FT; TH N 23D 37M 16S W 293.79 FT; TH ALG CURVE TO R 133.01 FT, RAD 703 FT DELTA 10D 50M 27S, CH N 18D 12M 02S W 132.82 FT; TH N 12D 46M 49S W 136.88 FT; TH N 65D 51M 59S E 482.62 FT; TH S 23D 56M 53S E 243.87 FT; TH N 65D 51M 59S E 29.99 FT; TH S 23D 56M 53S E 19.44 FT; TH N 65D 51M 59S E 79.45 FT TO POB ---9.7 ACRES, SPLIT/COMBINED ON 03/20/2017 FROM 04003206., 04003440., 04003441.;INTO 04003440-1, SPLIT/COMBINED ON 11/28/2017 FROM 04003440-1;, ",
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"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "a4b5a050-1296-41dc-81da-3f0b68cb771a",
"score": 0.201328769881216
"id": 391046
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "6155 2nd Ave",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/391044",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 391044,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "04003440.001",
"usecode": "00004",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL VACANT",
"struct": false,
"structno": 0,
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 73600.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "39533 WOODWARD STE #310",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48304",
"address": "6155 2ND AVE",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 0,
"ll_bldg_count": 0,
"dpv_status": "N",
"dpv_codes": "N N",
"dpv_notes": "AAM3",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "4.1,A1",
"usps_vacancy": " ",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"saddno": "6155",
"saddstr": "2ND",
"saddsttyp": "AVE",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "6155 SECOND; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "W SECOND --- PT OF LOTS 10 THRU 12 BLKS 14 CASS FARM CO LTD SUB OF BLKS L19 P35 PLATS, W C R DESC AS: COMM AT THE INTERSECTION OF W LINE SECOND AVE (150 FT WD) & S LINE OF AMSTERDAM ST (50 FT WD) TH S 23D 56M 53S E 128 FT; TH S 65D 51M 59S W 42.5 FT; TH N 23D 56M 53S W 128 FT; TH N 65M 51M 59S E 42.5 FT TO POB --- .125 ACRES, SPLIT/COMBINED ON 03/20/2017 04003206., 04003440., 04003441.; INTO 04003440-1, SPLIT/COMBINED ON 11/28/2017 FROM 04003440-1;, ",
"book": "2018007594",
"page": "2018007594",
"lat": "42.365060",
"lon": "-83.074720",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.125,
"sqft": 5440.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.12486,
"ll_gissqft": 5441,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/391044",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "95c21d44-eedb-4bd8-96fd-cf8482a04187",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:59:32 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "202",
"ward": "4",
"taxable_status": "TAXABLE",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 0.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"taxable_value": 73600.0,
"landmap": "007",
"sale_numbe": 1,
"sale_terms": "MULTI PARCEL INVALID",
"verified_b": "PTA",
"sale_instr": "CD",
"sale_trans": "100.00",
"ecf": "CCOB"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "95c21d44-eedb-4bd8-96fd-cf8482a04187",
"score": 0.199362041467305
"id": 391044
Address search
This endpoint allows you to search for parcels by specifying an address as a query string.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/search.json?query=<address>&context=<path>&token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.query
: The URL Encoded address to look up.context
(optional): See notes on context parameter above.limit
(optional, default: 20): Maximum number of Parcel Records to return.strict
(optional): Setstrict=1
to only return Parcel Records in thecontext
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Response fields
: An array of GeoJSON Features sorted by descending relevance rank containing the matched Parcel Records. An empty results set with no error means no Parcel Records could be matched. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.
Example request
Example results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 26780,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "DELINQUENT",
"tax_due": 123.2,
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"score": 1.0
"id": 364491
Assessor parcel number search
Parcel Id queries return the Parcel Record whose assessor-assigned Parcel Id (also known as Parcel Identification Number (PIN) or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN)) matches the given parameter.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/search.json?parcelnumb=<pin>&token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.parcelnumb
: The assessor's parcel number to look up. Non-alphanumeric characters will be removed when searching.context
(optional): See notes on context parameter above.limit
(optional, default: 20): Maximum number of Parcel Records to return.strict
(optional): Setstrict=1
to only return Parcel Records in thecontext
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Response fields
: An array of GeoJSON Features sorted by descending relevance rank containing the matched Parcel Records. An empty results set with no error means no Parcel Records could be matched. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.
Example request
Example results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 26780,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "DELINQUENT",
"tax_due": 123.2,
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"score": 1.0
"id": 364491
Polygon search
HTTP API request
POST or GET /api/v1/area.json
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.geojson
: The polygon's GeoJSON geometry (the area being searched), the polygon can not be larger than80
sq miles.limit
: (optional, default:20
, Maximum:1000
) Limits the number of Parcel Records returned perpage
: (optional, default:1
) Specifies which 'page' of results to return. A polygon based search may find several thousand parcels, the API divides them up into 'pages' based on thelimit
value set. You must request each page individually,page
1 is returned by default.count
: (optional) When set totrue
the request will only return the total count of parcels within the area, not the Parcel Records themselves.return_custom
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Response fields
: An array of GeoJSON Features containing the found Parcel Records. An empty results set with no error means no Parcel Records could be found. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.count
: Total number of parcels within the polygon.area
: Total area of the searched polygon (inacres
, andsq_miles
: Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example request
POST /api/v1/area.json
"token": "my_token",
"geojson": {"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-83.074472,42.365423],[-83.073946,42.364478],[-83.071878,42.365108],[-83.072403,42.366061],[-83.074472,42.365423]]]}},
"limit": 50,
"page": 1
Example response:
"status": "ok",
"count": 8,
"area": {
"acres": 5.18347420691614,
"sq_meters": 20976.7757684935,
"sq_miles": 0.00809917844830647
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "6156 2nd Ave",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364466",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364466,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02002437.",
"usecode": "22255",
"usedesc": "PARKING LOT-PAVED",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL VACANT",
"struct": false,
"structno": 0,
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 650000.0,
"saledate": "2000-09-01",
"mailadd": "1601 FARNSWORTH BUILDING C",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48211",
"address": "6156 2ND AVE",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 0,
"ll_bldg_count": 0,
"dpv_status": "N",
"dpv_codes": "N N",
"dpv_notes": "AAM3",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "4.1,A1",
"usps_vacancy": " ",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 5210.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Vehicular parking, storage, etc.",
"lbcs_structure": 5210.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Surface parking, open",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"lbcs_ownership": 6100.0,
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Nonprofit educational",
"saddno": "6156",
"saddstr": "2ND",
"saddsttyp": "AVE",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "6156 SECOND; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "E SECOND BLVD 46 MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 40 X 140",
"lat": "42.365447",
"lon": "-83.073992",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.129,
"sqft": 5600.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.12867,
"ll_gissqft": 5607,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364466",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "acea0d1c-50af-4c78-ad13-25b422623afc",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:59:32 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "202",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "BOARD OF EDUCATION",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 40.0,
"depth": 140.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "acea0d1c-50af-4c78-ad13-25b422623afc"
"id": 364466
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "6150 2nd Ave",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364467",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364467,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02002436.",
"usecode": "22255",
"usedesc": "PARKING LOT-PAVED",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL VACANT",
"struct": false,
"structno": 0,
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 381083.0,
"saledate": "2002-12-12",
"mailadd": "1601 FARNSWORTH BUILDING C",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48211",
"address": "6150 2ND AVE",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 0,
"ll_bldg_count": 0,
"dpv_status": "N",
"dpv_codes": "N N",
"dpv_notes": "AAM3",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "4.1,A1",
"usps_vacancy": " ",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 5210.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Vehicular parking, storage, etc.",
"lbcs_structure": 5210.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Surface parking, open",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"lbcs_ownership": 6100.0,
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Nonprofit educational",
"saddno": "6150",
"saddstr": "2ND",
"saddsttyp": "AVE",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "6150 SECOND; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "E SECOND BLVD 45 MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 40 X 140",
"lat": "42.365346",
"lon": "-83.073935",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.129,
"sqft": 5600.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.12861,
"ll_gissqft": 5605,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364467",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "12dd4d30-cf89-4e2d-aad3-2503edb4f799",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:59:32 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "202",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "BOARD OF EDUCATION",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 40.0,
"depth": 140.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
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"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b"
"id": 364491
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "435 Amsterdam St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/390867",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 390867,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001072-0",
"usecode": "22337",
"usedesc": "SCHOOL",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 2,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Schools - Vocational",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"owner": "TEF FOUR LLC",
"mailadd": "40500 ANN ARBOR SUITE 200",
"mail_city": "PLYMOUTH",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48170",
"address": "435 AMSTERDAM ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 32346,
"ll_bldg_count": 2,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "YN NN",
"dpv_notes": "AABB",
"dpv_type": "S",
"cass_errorno": "A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 4100.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "School or library",
"lbcs_function": 6100.0,
"lbcs_function_desc": "Educational services",
"lbcs_structure": 4200.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "School or university buildings",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "435",
"saddstr": "AMSTERDAM",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "435 AMSTERDAM; 48202",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3407",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"lat": "42.365494",
"lon": "-83.072777",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 1.786,
"sqft": 77801.0,
"ll_gisacre": 1.78333,
"ll_gissqft": 77715,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/390867",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "f5579168-fc31-4923-a535-b1419aa01aa3",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "NON-PROFIT",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 323.0,
"depth": 241.0,
"total_floor_area": 80158.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "f5579168-fc31-4923-a535-b1419aa01aa3"
"id": 390867
Owner name field search
Currently the process only matches based on the start of the name string.
For example, if you are looking for a parcel owned by "Jones, Festus", you can search by 'jon', 'jone', 'jones', etc. Searching for 'fest', 'festus', or etc. will not match the parcel.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/search.json?owner=<name>&context=<path>&token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.owner
: The owner name in "Last, First" format. Matches by prefix, you can pass just a last name to get any name beginning with that string. (Case insensitive, minimum 4 characters)context
(optional): See notes on context parameter above.limit
(optional, default: 20): Maximum number of Parcel Records to return.strict
(optional): Setstrict=1
to only return Parcel Records in thecontext
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Response fields
: An array of GeoJSON Features sorted by descending relevance rank containing the matched Parcel Records. An empty results set with no error means no Parcel Records could be matched. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.
Example API request
Example results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 26780,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "DELINQUENT",
"tax_due": 123.2,
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"score": 0.9
"id": 364491
Query by additional parcel data fields
Our parcel API is also queryable at a nationwide level by the following fields:
Field | Description |
ll_gisacre | numeric / double precision |
ll_gissqft | numeric / integer |
usps_vacancy | text |
rdi | text |
ll_bldg_count | numeric / integer |
saleprice | numeric / double precision |
zoning | text |
lbcs_activity | numeric |
lbcs_function | numeric |
lbcs_structure | numeric |
lbcs_site | numeric |
lbcs_ownership | numeric |
saledate | date |
szip | text |
ll_uuid | uuid |
landval | numeric |
geoid | text |
owner | text |
parcelnumb | text |
state2 | text |
path | text |
county | text |
yearbuilt | numeric / integer |
improvval | numeric / double precision |
alt_parcelnumb1 | text |
census_block | text |
census_blockgroup | text |
census_tract | text |
census_school_district | text |
qoz | text |
Example queries with supported keys and value formats
GET or POST /api/v1/query?fields[:field_name][:operator]=:value...&token=:token_value
Example API requests
Numeric field ll_gisacre[ll_gisacre][eq]=1000.2426&offset_id=1234&limit=5[ll_gisacre][ne]=100&fields[ll_gisacre][gt]=99.0&fields[ll_gisacre][lt]=200&fields[ll_gisacre][between]=[100, 300]
Text field zoning[zoning][ilike]=RS-1&fields[zoning][ne]=RS-1&fields[zoning][between]=["RS-1", "RS-14"]&fields[zoning][nin]=["RS-1", "RS-9", "MHPD", "RD-D", "AG-2"]&fields[zoning][order]=DESC
Date field saledate[saledate][between]=["2020", "2021/04/22"]&fields[saledate][isnull]=false&limit=100
Boolean field struct[struct][ne]=false&fields[struct][eq]=true&fields[struct][isnull]=false
Example results format
"results": [
array of GeoJSON features...
Supported types and query parameters
All field types are supported. The operators available vary by field type:
Field Type | Operators |
Number | eq, ne, isnull, between, gt, gte, lt, lte, in, nin, order |
Text | eq, ne, isnull, in, nin, ilike |
Date | eq, ne, isnull, between, gt, gte, lt, lte, in, nin, order |
Boolean | eq, ne, isnull |
All Types | limit, count, offset_id |
Operators on each field
Operator | Description |
eq | equal |
ne | not equal |
isnull | is null, takes boolean true/false values only |
between | between inclusive |
gt | greater than |
gte | greater than or equal |
lt | less than |
lte | less than or equal |
in | in set |
nin | not in set |
ilike | case insensitive, matches the given string within the text field value (ex %VALUE%) |
order | ASC/DESC |
Parameters for the entire query
Parameter | Description |
count | true/false |
offset_id | See Pagination for details |
limit | An integer (API-wide max limit is 1000, default is 20) |
return_geometry | true/false. Default true |
return_custom | true/false. Default true: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only. |
return_field_labels | true/false. Default true |
context | A path string as described here |
If your request returns more than 1000 parcel records, you will need to use pagination for your query results.
Pagination is performed by including an offset_id
parameter with the integer id
from a previous query. Each parcel record has an id
for location in our database. You will need the id
of the last parcel record from your previous query to use in the next iteration of the pagination request. This request returns the remaining parcels up to the value of the limit
To page results, the initial request needs to include the parameter offset_id=0
which indicates results need to be in ID order. The required id
is located at the root level of each parcel feature returned with id
Example pagination first request
Give me the parcel records in Los Angeles County where the parcel acreage is greater than 2 acres. For reference, there are 228,122 parcels matching this query.[geoid][eq]=06037&fields[ll_gisacre][gt]=2&offset_id=0&limit=1000
Example pagination subsequent request[geoid][eq]=06037&fields[ll_gisacre][gt]=2&offset_id=155171239&limit=1000
The order
parameter is not allowed when paging, as is indicated by an error message if the query is invalid.
If a total count is needed, an initial query can be made with count=true
. Otherwise, successive pages can be requested until the results are less than the limit or empty.
When the count
parameter is set to a boolean value of true
or false
, the results will be the entire dataset filtered by other optional operators on the field(s). When the boolean value is true
, there is no cost to return the total number of parcels for the query.
Requests with count
return an integer value in the following format.
Example results format
"results": {
"count": 1846
Limit is ignored when the count
operator is present.
Customize response payload
To reduce payload size there are a several flags available. These parameters default to true
A false
on each of these parameters will yield the following results:
: A list of features is returned without geometry values.return_custom
: County-specific custom fields are not included in results. This can be used to retrieve only Standard Schema results.return_field_labels
: An object of Standard Schema field names and descriptions are not returned within each feature.
Request format
Queries can be made as GET or POST requests. The examples below show the same query being made by both types of request.
GET request example
POST request example
"fields": {
"ll_gisacre": {
"eq": 1000.2426,
"ne": 1000
"limit": 5
Other considerations
- Date formats allowed: YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY Also, a value with a year only like "2022" will evaluate as "2022/01/01".
- Multiple operators are
ed together. - Boolean and boolean-like fields (struct, usps_vacancy, rdi) can only be queried with a subset of operators (eq, ne, isnull).
Find by ll_uuid
This endpoint allows you to lookup a parcel record by our universal unique id - ll_uuid as described in our parcel schema.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/parcel/<ll_uuid>.json?token=<token>
Query parameters
: The UUID retrieved from another Regrid API calltoken
: Your Regrid assigned authorization tokenreturn_custom
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Example API request
Example results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 27956,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-12-02",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-12-08 14:42:19 -0500",
"tax_status": "OK",
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b"
"id": 364491
Parcel record search by using the parcel path
Endpoint used to get individual parcel records returned as a GeoJSON feature by sending a parcel path.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/parcel.json?path=<path>&token=<token>
Query parameters
: The canonical path of the parcel in the Regrid system. For example,/us/mi/wayne/detroit/555
. Response fields A single GeoJSON Feature for the requested parcel (rather than an array of results). Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results. token
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.return_custom
. Defaulttrue
: A false value omits county-specific fields, making the response contain standard schema fields only.
Example request
Example truncated results
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"field_labels": {
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b"
"id": 364491
Response format
On success, all of the above requests return one or an array of GeoJSON Features representing the matched parcels. These Features include polygon geometries and properties
. Our standard fields are documented in the Regrid Parcel Schema. Some additional undocumented fields may be included in the properties
. An empty results set with no error means no parcels could be matched. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.
Example response payload with results:
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"headline": "440 Burroughs St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 364491,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "02001069-71",
"usecode": "22320",
"zoning": "SD2",
"zoning_description": "COMMERCIAL",
"struct": true,
"structno": 1,
"yearbuilt": 1926,
"structstyle": "Office Buildings",
"parvaltype": "ASSESSED",
"parval": 0.0,
"saleprice": 0.0,
"mailadd": "440 BURROUGHS",
"mail_city": "DETROIT",
"mail_state2": "MI",
"mail_zip": "48202",
"address": "440 BURROUGHS ST",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": 26780,
"ll_bldg_count": 1,
"dpv_status": "V",
"dpv_codes": "DN NY",
"dpv_notes": "AAN105",
"dpv_type": "H",
"cass_errorno": "12.2,14.7,15.1,A1",
"rdi": "N",
"usps_vacancy": "N",
"usps_vacancy_date": "2021-08-15",
"lbcs_activity": 2300.0,
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Office",
"lbcs_structure": 2100.0,
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Office or bank building",
"lbcs_site": 6000.0,
"lbcs_site_desc": "Developed site with buildings",
"saddno": "440",
"saddstr": "BURROUGHS",
"saddsttyp": "ST",
"scity": "DETROIT",
"original_address": "440 BURROUGHS",
"city": "detroit",
"county": "wayne",
"state2": "mi",
"szip": "48202-3429",
"address_source": "county,census_places;accuzip",
"legaldesc": "N BURROUGHS 10-11 BLK 12--CASS FARM CO LTD SUB L19 P35 PLATS, W C R 2/27 37-38 & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ MANDLEBAUMS SUB L2 P8 PLATS, W C R 2/62 189.53 IRREG",
"lat": "42.365091",
"lon": "-83.073041",
"qoz": "Yes",
"qoz_tract": "26163518900",
"census_tract": "26163533900",
"census_blockgroup": "261635339003",
"gisacre": 0.697,
"sqft": 30365.0,
"ll_gisacre": 0.69713,
"ll_gissqft": 30380,
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/364491",
"ll_stable_id": "preserved",
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"ll_updated_at": "2021-08-20 19:56:55 -0400",
"tax_status": "DELINQUENT",
"tax_due": 123.2,
"property_class": "201",
"ward": "2",
"council_district": "5",
"taxable_status": "PA 245",
"homestead_pre": 0,
"frontage": 190.0,
"depth": 160.0,
"total_floor_area": 142125.0,
"taxable_value": 0.0,
"landmap": "007"
"field_labels": {
"ogc_fid": "Object ID",
"geoid": "FIPS Code",
"sourceagent": "Source Agent",
"parcelnumb": "Parcel ID",
"usecode": "Parcel Use Code",
"usedesc": "Parcel Use Description",
"zoning": "Zoning Code",
"zoning_description": "Zoning Description",
"struct": "Structure on Parcel",
"multistruct": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"structno": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"yearbuilt": "Structure Year Built",
"numstories": "Number of Stories",
"numunits": "Number of Units",
"structstyle": "Structure Style",
"parvaltype": "Parcel Value Type",
"improvval": "Improvement Value",
"landval": "Land Value",
"parval": "Total Parcel Value",
"agval": "Agricultural Value",
"saleprice": "Last Sale Price",
"saledate": "Last Sale Date",
"taxamt": "Annual Tax Bill",
"owntype": "Owner Type",
"owner": "Owner Name",
"ownfrst": "Owner First Name",
"ownlast": "Owner Last Name",
"owner2": "Second Owner Name",
"owner3": "Third Owner Name",
"owner4": "Fourth Owner Name",
"subsurfown": "Subsurface Owner",
"subowntype": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"mailadd": "Mailing Address",
"mail_address2": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"careof": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"mail_addno": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"mail_addpref": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"mail_addstr": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"mail_addsttyp": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"mail_addstsuf": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"mail_unit": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"mail_city": "Mailing Address City",
"mail_state2": "Mailing Address State",
"mail_zip": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"mail_country": "Mailing Address Country",
"mail_urbanization": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"address": "Parcel Address",
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"ll_bldg_count": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"cdl_raw": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"cdl_majority_category": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"cdl_majority_percent": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"cdl_date": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"dpv_status": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"dpv_codes": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"dpv_notes": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"dpv_type": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"cass_errorno": "CASS Error Codes",
"rdi": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"usps_vacancy": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"usps_vacancy_date": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"lbcs_activity": "LBCS Activity Code",
"lbcs_activity_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"lbcs_function": "LBCS Function Code",
"lbcs_function_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"lbcs_structure": "LBCS Structure Code",
"lbcs_structure_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"lbcs_site": "LBCS Site Code",
"lbcs_site_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"lbcs_ownership": "LBCS Ownership Code",
"lbcs_ownership_desc": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"address2": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"saddno": "Parcel Address Number",
"saddpref": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"saddstr": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"saddsttyp": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"saddstsuf": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"sunit": "Parcel Address Unit",
"scity": "Site City",
"original_address": "Original Parcel Address",
"city": "US Census County Subdivision",
"county": "Parcel Address County",
"state2": "Parcel Address State",
"szip": "Site Zip",
"urbanization": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"location_name": "Location Name",
"address_source": "Primary Address Source",
"legaldesc": "Legal Description",
"plat": "Plat",
"book": "Book",
"page": "Page",
"block": "Block",
"lot": "Lot",
"neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
"subdivision": "Subdivision",
"lat": "Latitude",
"lon": "Longitude",
"taxyear": "Tax Year",
"qoz": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"qoz_tract": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"census_tract": "Census 2010 Tract",
"census_block": "Census 2010 Block",
"census_blockgroup": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"sourceref": "Source Document Reference",
"sourcedate": "Source Document Date",
"sourceurl": "Source URL",
"recrdareatx": "Recorded Area (text)",
"recrdareano": "Recorded Area (number)",
"gisacre": "County-Provided Acres",
"sqft": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"ll_gisacre": "Calculated Acres",
"ll_gissqft": "Calculated Parcel Sq Ft",
"reviseddate": "Date of Last Revision",
"path": "Parcel Path",
"ll_stable_id": "Stable ID Status",
"ll_uuid": "UUID",
"ll_updated_at": "Updated At",
"tax_status": "Tax Status",
"tax_due": "Tax Due",
"property_class": "Property Class",
"ward": "Ward",
"council_district": "Council District",
"taxable_status": "Taxable Status",
"homestead_pre": "Homestead Principal Residence Exemption",
"nez": "Neigborhood Enterprise Zone",
"land_bank_inventory_status": "Land Bank Inventory Status",
"frontage": "Frontage",
"depth": "Depth",
"total_floor_area": "Total Floor Area",
"taxable_value": "Taxable Value",
"landmap": "Land Map",
"related": "Related",
"sale_numbe": "Sale Number",
"grantor": "Grantor",
"grantee": "Grantee",
"sale_terms": "Sale Terms",
"verified_b": "Sale Verification Form",
"sale_instr": "Sale Instrument",
"sale_trans": "Sale Percentage of Ownership",
"ecf": "Economic Condition Factor Neighborhood"
"context": {
"headline": "Detroit, MI",
"name": "Detroit",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit",
"active": true
"ll_uuid": "16bc4f67-009a-496c-bd0a-9e9d55f5228b",
"score": 1.0
"id": 364491
Notes on parcel properties
: a human-friendly display address for the parcel. If no address is available, it falls back to the parcel number.path
: The parcel's unique identifier as described above in "Parcel Paths Above"fields
: Columns from the parcel table. These include standard column names wherever fields are available, plus additional columns varying by the particular county & data available. Parcel attributes that have a null value are omitted from the results.field_labels
: Human-friendly labels for each key infields
: A bit of info about the city or county where this parcel is found, including apath
one can use ascontext
for further searches.
Regrid Parcel Record Schema endpoint
Endpoint used to fetch the current Regrid Parcel Schema.
HTTP API request
GET /api/v1/schema.json
Response fields
A hash with details on all fields in the Regrid Parcel Schema
Example response:
"schema": {
"ogc_fid": {
"type": "serial primary key",
"human": "Object ID",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"geoid": {
"type": "text",
"human": "FIPS Code",
"description": "FIPS code (state + county FIPS codes)",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sourceagent": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Source Agent",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"parcelnumb": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel ID",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"usecode": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Use Code",
"description": "Varies by governing municipality",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"usedesc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Use Description",
"description": "Varies by governing municipality",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"zoning": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Zoning Code",
"description": "Varies by governing municipality",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"zoning_description": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Zoning Description",
"description": "Varies by governing municipality",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"struct": {
"type": "boolean",
"human": "Structure on Parcel",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"multistruct": {
"type": "boolean",
"human": "Multiple Structures on Parcel",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"structno": {
"type": "integer",
"human": "Number of Structures on Parcel",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"yearbuilt": {
"type": "integer",
"human": "Structure Year Built",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"numstories": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Number of Stories",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"numunits": {
"type": "integer",
"human": "Number of Units",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"structstyle": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Structure Style",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"parvaltype": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Value Type",
"description": "The type of value reported in the parcel value fields",
"examples": [
"Market Value"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"improvval": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Improvement Value",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"landval": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Land Value",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"parval": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Total Parcel Value",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"agval": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Agricultural Value",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saleprice": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Last Sale Price",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saledate": {
"type": "date",
"human": "Last Sale Date",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"taxamt": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Annual Tax Bill",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"owntype": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Owner Type",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"owner": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Owner Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ownfrst": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Owner First Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ownlast": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Owner Last Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"owner2": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Second Owner Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"owner3": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Third Owner Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"owner4": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Fourth Owner Name",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"subsurfown": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Subsurface Owner",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"subowntype": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Subsurface Owner Type",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mailadd": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address",
"description": "This is the address where the tax and other assessor's communications are sent. It is often thought of as the owner's mailing address. It is often the same address as the parcel physical street address, but very commonly it is a different address than the parcel address itself.",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_address2": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Second Line",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"careof": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Care Of",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_addno": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Street Number",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_addpref": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Street Prefix",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_addstr": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Street Name",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_addsttyp": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Street Type",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_addstsuf": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Street Suffix",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_unit": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Unit Number",
"examples": [
"APT # 2"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_city": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address City",
"examples": [
"Ann Arbor"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_state2": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address State",
"description": "Mailing Address State 2-Letter abbreviation",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_zip": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address ZIP Code",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_country": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Country",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"mail_urbanization": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"address": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address",
"description": "This is the address of the parcel itself. Also called the \"situs address\" or \"site address\". Not every parcel has a street address, especially in agricultural areas and other large parcels.",
"examples": [
"12109 KATZ RD"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"address2": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Second Line",
"examples": [
"Apt 2",
"Unit B",
"6th floor"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saddno": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Number",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saddpref": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Prefix",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saddstr": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Street Name",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saddsttyp": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Street Type",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"saddstsuf": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Street Suffix",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sunit": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Unit",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"scity": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address City",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"original_address": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Original Parcel Address",
"description": "Address fields as originally provided by the county, separated by a semicolon and a space",
"examples": [
"12109 Katz Rd; NW; Ann Arbor; MI; 48105"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"city": {
"type": "text",
"human": "US Census County Subdivision",
"description": "Used for organizational purposes. Refer to scity for the city associated with the site address.",
"link": "",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"county": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address County",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"state2": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address State",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"szip": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Address Zip Code",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"urbanization": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Urbanizacion",
"description": "A postal address field commonly used in Puerto Rico",
"example": "Caguas",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"location_name": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Location Name",
"description": "A name commonly associated with this parcel",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"address_source": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Primary Address Source",
"description": "Default source if none is listed is the county.",
"default": "'county'",
"tier": "standard",
"examples": [
"categories": [
"legaldesc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Legal Description",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"plat": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Plat",
"description": "Plat number the parcel is recorded on",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"book": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Book",
"description": "Book/Liber the parcel is recorded in",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"page": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Page",
"description": "Page/Folio the parcel is recorded on",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"block": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Block",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"lot": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Lot",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"neighborhood": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Neighborhood",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"subdivision": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Subdivision",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"lat": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Latitude",
"description": "On parcel centroid latitude decimal coordinate",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"lon": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Longitude",
"description": "On parcel centroid longitude decimal coordinate",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"taxyear": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Tax Year",
"description": "A county provided attribute indicating the tax year the assessor data applies to.",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"qoz": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"description": "Is this parcel in a US Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"qoz_tract": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number",
"description": "Census tract number as it was defined in Dec 2018 when QOZs were designated.",
"link": "",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"census_tract": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Census 2010 Tract",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"census_block": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Census 2010 Block",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"census_blockgroup": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Census 2010 Blockgroup",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sourceref": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Source Document Reference",
"description": "A county provided reference for the parcel record",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sourcedate": {
"type": "date",
"human": "Source Document Date",
"description": "A county provided date for the parcel record",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sourceurl": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Source URL",
"description": "A county provided url to the county parcel record online",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"recrdareatx": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Recorded Area (text)",
"deprecated": true,
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"recrdareano": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Recorded Area (number)",
"deprecated": true,
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"gisacre": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "County-Provided Acres",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"sqft": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "County-Provided Parcel Square Feet",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_gisacre": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Loveland Calculated Parcel Acres",
"description": "Parcel acres as calculated by Loveland from the parcel geometry",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_gissqft": {
"type": "bigint",
"human": "Loveland Calculated Parcel Square Feet",
"description": "Parcel square feet as calculated by Loveland from the parcel geometry",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_bldg_footprint_sqft": {
"type": "integer",
"human": "Loveland Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet",
"description": "Total building footprint in square feet as calculated by Loveland",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"ll_bldg_count": {
"type": "integer",
"human": "Loveland Calculated Building Count",
"description": "Total number of buildings on the parcel as calculated by Loveland",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"cdl_raw": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Cropland Data Layer Raw Values",
"description": "(Planned to populate Q3 2021) This is an array of [value,percentage] pairs that represent the pixel classes present in the parcel and their percentage of the total pixels.",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"cdl_majority_category": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Category",
"description": "(Planned to populate Q3 2021) This is the human readable Category name for the land cover type that is most common on the parcel.",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"cdl_majority_percent": {
"type": "double precision",
"human": "Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent",
"description": "(Planned to populate Q3 2021) This is the actual percentage of pixels for the majority category.",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"cdl_date": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Cropland Data Layer Date",
"description": "(Planned to populate Q3 2021) The year of the Cropland Data Layer data set the current attributes are derived from.",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"reviseddate": {
"type": "date",
"human": "Date of Last Revision",
"description": "The last date of last revision as provided by the county assessor's office if available.",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"path": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Parcel Path",
"description": "Loveland's human-readable identifier for this parcel. Not guaranteed to be stable between updates.",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_stable_id": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Stable ID Status",
"description": "Indicates if the path and ll_uuid values have changed during the last refresh from the county. A value of 'preserved' means the 'll_uuid' was matched during county refresh to the previous data. A 'null' indicates a new ll_uuid was generated because the new data was not matched to the existing data during the county data refresh process.",
"examples": [
"preserved (if unchanged)",
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_uuid": {
"type": "uuid",
"default": "uuid_generate_v4()",
"human": "UUID",
"description": "Uniquely identifies a single parcel with a v4 uuid. A stable parcel id across county data refreshes. This field should be used for tracking individual parcels.",
"examples": [
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"ll_updated_at": {
"type": "timestamp with time zone",
"default": "now()",
"human": "Updated At",
"description": "Timestamp of last update of any kind to this row, internal changes to row, and/or county updates.",
"examples": [
"2019-06-06 12:45:21.285102-04"
"tier": "standard",
"categories": [
"dpv_status": {
"type": "text",
"human": "USPS Delivery Point Validation",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"dpv_codes": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Delivery Point Validation Codes",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"dpv_notes": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Delivery Point Validation Notes",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"dpv_type": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Delivery Point Match Type",
"examples": [
"H (High Rise)",
"S (Street)"
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"cass_errorno": {
"type": "text",
"human": "CASS Error Codes",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"rdi": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Residential Delivery Indicator",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"usps_vacancy": {
"type": "text",
"human": "USPS Vacancy Indicator",
"examples": [
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"usps_vacancy_date": {
"type": "date",
"human": "USPS Vacancy Indicator Date",
"description": "Date the vacancy indicator was collected",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_activity": {
"type": "numeric",
"human": "Land Use Code: Activity",
"description": "Actual activity on land, eg farming, shopping, manufacturing.",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_activity_desc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Land Use Code Description: Activity",
"description": "Description of the LBCS numeric code",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_function": {
"type": "numeric",
"human": "Land Use Code: Function",
"description": "Economic function or type of establishment, eg agricultural, commercial, industrial",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_function_desc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Land Use Code Description: Function",
"description": "Economic function or type of establishment, eg agricultural, commercial, industrial",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_structure": {
"type": "numeric",
"human": "Land Use Code: Structure",
"description": "Type of structure or building, eg single-family house, office building, warehouse",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_structure_desc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Land Use Code Description: Structure",
"description": "Type of structure or building, eg single-family house, office building, warehouse",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_site": {
"type": "numeric",
"human": "Land Use Code: Site",
"description": "What is on the land",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_site_desc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Land Use Code Description: Site",
"description": "What is on the land",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_ownership": {
"type": "numeric",
"human": "Land Use Code: Ownership",
"description": "Ownership structure, eg public, private",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
"lbcs_ownership_desc": {
"type": "text",
"human": "Land Use Code Description: Ownership",
"description": "Ownership structure, eg public, private",
"link": "",
"tier": "premium",
"categories": [
Parcels + Matched Building Footprints
If you have chosen our Regrid Parcel Data + Matched Building Footprints API, then by default any of the above Parcel API endpoints will also return building data. This can be controlled with the following parameter:
: Set tofalse
to disable building footprint data in the response. Default istrue
when the account supports it.
Response format
In the standard response format, results
is an array of parcel GeoJSON features. When
matched building footprint data is also returned, there will be an additional top-level buildings
array of GeoJSON Features. Each Feature in the buildings
array will be a building record.
- See the Buildings Schema document for descriptions of the
of each building GeoJSON Feature. - Each building has one or more
listed in its properties. These specify which of the parcels contain or overlap these building footprints and correspond to thell_uuid
field in each of the parcelresults
An example response is below, with coordinates and parcel fields removed for brevity:
Example response:
"status": "ok",
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ ]
"properties": {
"headline": "758 N Larrabee St",
"path": "/us/il/cook/chicago/384636",
"fields": { },
"field_labels": { },
"context": { },
"ll_uuid": "e753a02b-a911-4ef4-826b-f7adc71e35d3"
"id": 384636
"buildings": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"ed_str_uuid": "c7c9f1a0-e035-11eb-9390-989096a9a072",
"ed_bld_uuid": "dab689b4-e035-11eb-adf3-989096a9a072",
"ed_geoid": "17031",
"ed_lat": 41.8958966420001,
"ed_lon": -87.6434971547822,
"ed_bldg_footprint_sqft": 55507,
"ed_source": "Aerial Imagery",
"ed_source_date": "2019-08-01 20:00:00 -0400",
"ll_uuids": [
"id": 413621873
Parcels + Matched Secondary Addresses
If your account has Matched Secondary Addresses enabled, then by default any of the Parcel API endpoints will include these addresses. You can select this per-call with the following query parameter:
: Set tofalse
to disable matched addresses data in the response. Default istrue
when the account supports it.
Response format
In the standard response format, results
is an array of parcel GeoJSON features.
The secondary addresses will appear in a parcel feature's properties.addresses
- See the Matched Address Schema document for a list of each field and descriptions.
A sample response, with some fields abbreviated for brevity:
"status": "ok",
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ ]
"properties": {
"headline": "1435 Randolph St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/182127",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 182127,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "01003946-7",
"usecode": "22420"
"field_labels": { },
"context": { },
"ll_uuid": "27cb36f3-75e5-4390-9b8f-d4755b8beaa9",
"addresses": [
"a_id": "84157777",
"a_address": "1435 Randolph St Ste 202",
"a_saddno": "1435",
"a_saddpref": null,
"a_saddstr": "Randolph",
"a_saddsttyp": "St",
"a_saddstsuf": null,
"a_sunit": "Ste 202",
"a_szip5": "48226",
"a_szip": "48226-2257",
"a_carte": "C025",
"a_crtype": "C",
"a_scity": "Detroit",
"a_state2": "MI",
"a_county": "WAYNE",
"a_delvseqno": "00189",
"a_usps_elotseq": "0155",
"a_usps_elotsort": "A",
"a_resbus": "B",
"a_pmbdesc": null,
"a_pmbno": null,
"a_dpv_confirm": "Y",
"a_dpv_footnotes": "AABB",
"a_default_match": "0",
"a_lacsflag": "0",
"a_usps_vacancy": "N",
"a_nostats": "Y",
"a_error_code": "0",
"a_extrainfo": null,
"a_dpv_type": "H",
"a_geocodetype": "LI",
"a_moddate": "Oct 22 2021 6:52AM",
"a_census_blockgroup": "261635172002",
"a_lat": "42.335614",
"a_lon": "-83.045687",
"a_geoid": "26163",
"ll_uuid": "27cb36f3-75e5-4390-9b8f-d4755b8beaa9"
"a_id": "84157778",
"a_address": "1435 Randolph St Ste 203",
"a_saddno": "1435",
"a_saddpref": null,
"a_saddstr": "Randolph",
"a_saddsttyp": "St",
"a_saddstsuf": null,
"a_sunit": "Ste 203",
"a_szip5": "48226",
"etc": "etc"
"id": 182127
Parcels + Enhanced Ownership
If your account has Enhanced Ownership enabled, then by default any of the Parcel API endpoints will include this extra ownership data. You can select this per-call with the following query parameter:
: Set tofalse
to disable enhanced ownership data in the response. Default istrue
when the account supports it.
Response format
In the standard response format, results
is an array of parcel GeoJSON features.
The enhanced ownership will appear in a parcel feature's properties.enhanced_ownership
- See the Enhanced Ownership Schema document for a list of each field and description.
A sample response, with some fields abbreviated for brevity:
"status": "ok",
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ ]
"properties": {
"headline": "1435 Randolph St",
"path": "/us/mi/wayne/detroit/182127",
"fields": {
"ogc_fid": 182127,
"geoid": "26163",
"parcelnumb": "01003946-7",
"usecode": "22420"
"field_labels": { },
"context": { },
"ll_uuid": "83cf8982-b8f8-415e-8cba-f388978f7367",
"enhanced_ownership": [
"eo_owner": "HUYNH COMPANYLLC",
"eo_ownerfirst": "HUYNH",
"eo_ownermiddle": null,
"eo_ownerlast": "COMPANYLLC",
"eo_ownersuffix": null,
"eo_owner2": "BUI COMPANYLLC",
"eo_owner2first": "BUI",
"eo_owner2middle": null,
"eo_owner2last": "COMPANYLLC",
"eo_owner2suffix": null,
"eo_owner3": "KAR WASH KWIK",
"eo_owner3first": "KAR",
"eo_owner3middle": "WASH",
"eo_owner3suffix": "KWIK",
"eo_owner3last": null,
"eo_owner4": null,
"eo_owner4first": null,
"eo_owner4middle": null,
"eo_owner4last": null,
"eo_owner4suffix": null,
"eo_mail_county": "HARRIS",
"eo_mail_geoid": "48201",
"eo_mail_address": "9534 BENDING WILLOW LN",
"eo_mail_addno": "9534",
"eo_mail_addpref": null,
"eo_mail_addstr": "BENDING WILLOW",
"eo_mail_addstsuf": "LN",
"eo_mail_adddir": null,
"eo_mail_unitpref": null,
"eo_mail_unit": null,
"eo_mail_city": "HOUSTON",
"eo_mail_state2": "TX",
"eo_mail_zip": "77064",
"eo_mail_zip4": "5736",
"eo_mail_carte": "C016",
"eo_mail_addressinfoformat": "S",
"eo_deedownerfirst": "HUYNH",
"eo_deedownermiddle": "BUI",
"eo_deedownerlast": "COMPANYLLC KAR WASH",
"eo_deedownersuffix": null,
"eo_deedowner2": "KWIK KAR WASH",
"eo_deedowner2first": "KWIK",
"eo_deedowner2middle": "KAR",
"eo_deedowner2last": "WASH",
"eo_deedowner2suffix": null,
"eo_deedowner3": null,
"eo_deedowner3first": null,
"eo_deedowner3middle": null,
"eo_deedowner3last": null,
"eo_deedowner3suffix": null,
"eo_deedowner4": null,
"eo_deedowner4first": null,
"eo_deedowner4middle": null,
"eo_deedowner4last": null,
"eo_deedowner4suffix": null,
"eo_lastrefresh": "12-14-2022",
"ll_uuid": "83cf8982-b8f8-415e-8cba-f388978f7367",
"attom_id": "166499168"
"id": 182127
County metadata (verse) endpoint
This endpoint allows you to retrieve all records from our verse table as described in our verse schema. These records are primarily counties in the United States with some cities when that is how data is reported.
The response is formatted as a list of GeoJSON features as shown in sample results below.
Note for bulk data customers
This endpoint may reflect data updates before they are available in bulk files. The verse file included with your bulk data deliveries will always reflect the current state of data available to you.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/verse.json
Query parameters
: Geometry (simplified county shape) will not be returned by default unless this field is included with atrue
Example API request
Example results
"status": "ok",
"results": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"id": 1945,
"path": "/us/ne/wayne",
"county": "Wayne",
"state": "NE",
"seat": "Wayne",
"population": 9367,
"sqmi": 444,
"geoid": "31179",
"city": null,
"table_name": "ne_wayne20210209",
"total_objects": 6630,
"last_refresh": "2021-02-15",
"canonical_path": "/us/ne/wayne",
"filename_stem": "ne_wayne",
"date_added": null,
"shapefile_size_flag": null,
"assessor_data_date": "2018-03-01",
"usps_data_date": "2022-01-01"
"id": 1945
Typeahead API
We offer an autocomplete/typeahead endpoint to complete and search addresses. Please see the Typeahead API documentation for details about this feature, and contact our sales team at for a demo or to enable your account.
API Account Usage Stats endpoint
Used to check your current API usage stats to see how many requests, parcel records, and tiles have been used during this monthly cycle. You can also set an optional parameter to see your full usage history.
HTTP API request general form
GET /api/v1/usage.json?token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.full_history
(optional): Set totrue
if you would like API usage history that goes beyond your current monthly cycle.
Response fields
: The start and end date of the current cycle.cycle_usage
: Counts ofrequests
, andtiles
used during the current cycle.full_history
: An array of stats for previous cycles. Only included if the optionalfull_history
query param is set totrue
: Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example request:
Example response:
"status": "ok",
"results": {
"cycle_dates": "2021-08-28T10:19:04-04:00..2021-09-28T09:19:04-05:00",
"cycle_usage": {
"requests": 61,
"results": 2675,
"tiles": 236
"full_history": [
"begin_ts": 1630160344,
"begin": "2021-8-28",
"end": "2021-9-28",
"total": {
"requests": 61,
"results": 2675,
"tiles": 236
"counts": [
"requests": 6,
"results": 32,
"date": "2021-9-2"
"date": "2021-9-1",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-8-31",
"requests": 35,
"results": 377,
"tiles": 185
"date": "2021-8-30",
"requests": 20,
"results": 2266,
"tiles": 51
"date": "2021-8-29",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-8-28",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"current": true,
"paid": false,
"trial": false
"begin_ts": 1627481944,
"begin": "2021-7-28",
"end": "2021-8-28",
"total": {
"requests": 326,
"results": 42883,
"tiles": 2204
"counts": [
"date": "2021-8-27",
"requests": 28,
"results": 905,
"tiles": 193
"date": "2021-8-26",
"requests": 12,
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"tiles": 213
"date": "2021-8-25",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
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"requests": 80,
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"requests": 0,
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"date": "2021-8-16",
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"requests": 10,
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"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-17",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-16",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-15",
"requests": 83,
"results": 10286,
"tiles": 69
"date": "2021-2-14",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-13",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-12",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 48
"date": "2021-2-11",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 1
"date": "2021-2-10",
"requests": 1,
"results": 144,
"tiles": 13
"date": "2021-2-9",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-8",
"requests": 8,
"results": 967,
"tiles": 29
"date": "2021-2-7",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-2-6",
"requests": 1,
"results": 128,
"tiles": 3
"date": "2021-2-5",
"requests": 77,
"results": 9794,
"tiles": 203
"date": "2021-2-4",
"requests": 4,
"results": 371,
"tiles": 25
"date": "2021-2-3",
"requests": 119,
"results": 14711,
"tiles": 932
"date": "2021-2-2",
"requests": 132,
"results": 4977,
"tiles": 880
"date": "2021-2-1",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 765
"date": "2021-1-31",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-1-30",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"date": "2021-1-29",
"requests": 0,
"results": 0,
"tiles": 0
"current": false,
"paid": false,
"trial": false
Reporting Data Issues to Regrid
This is an alpha endpoint and may change before release
You can report issues with specific parcels or general areas to us using this report endpoint. Reports help us prioritize updates. However, we cannot apply data received to this endpoint directly to our parcel data or respond individually to specific reports.
HTTP API request general form
POST /api/v1/report.json?token=<token>
Query parameters
: Your Regrid assigned authorization token.path
: A path to a specific parcel or placell_uuid
(optional): The ll_uuid of a parcel, if the report is for a specific parcelcomment
(optional): String describing the issuedetails
(optional): A hash with details on specific fields. This hash only accepts standard column names as keys.
Response fields
: Whether the request succeeded or failed.message
: Message on the status of the
: ID of the new report.
Example request
"path": "/us/al/elmore/eclectic/5",
"ll_uuid": "8ba95684-e001-4362-801c-39f30a13bee4",
"comment": "Property has a new owner",
"details": {
"owner": "Johnny Parcel",
"saleprice": 200000
Example response
"status": "ok",
"message": "Report received",
"id": 2238
Platform / Library Specific Notes
To create a shapely shape in Python from the array of coordinates that come as part of the GeoJSON response from the API, the coordinates list can not be passed into a MultiPolygon or Polygon constructor or it may return an error.
Instead try import shape from shapely.geometry
and pass in the geojson response to that. The shapely library might have issues instantiating shapes from a list of coordinates versus directly from a geojson the other ways.
In this section
- lat-lon (reverse geocoding)
- Address search
- Assessor parcel number search
- Polygon search
- Owner name field search
- Query by additional parcel data fields
- Find by ll_uuid
- Parcel record search by using the parcel path
- Response format
- Regrid Parcel Record Schema endpoint
- Parcels + Matched Building Footprints
- Parcels + Matched Secondary Addresses
- Parcels + Enhanced Ownership
- County metadata (verse) endpoint
- Typeahead API
- API Account Usage Stats endpoint
- Reporting Data Issues to Regrid
- Platform / Library Specific Notes